Ooof, sorry about the Covid! I want to get back into a creative rhythm with the tiny agent of anarchy. I was hoping to write tonight, and the puppy / universe heard me, and vomited on my feet. But I made mediocre brownies and ate the batter. 2024 theme: accept the anarchy, eat the batter.

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Best recovery wishes to you and your family with COVID, Ryan Rose!

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Oof what good timing! I’m on the couch with an infected tooth and the ensuing agony so my creative dreams for 2024 feel very far away. But my priority this year is to deepen and expand my writing in the hope that it will reach readers in a way that moves them. And that I will be healthier in 2024 - 2023 was a rough one for my poor, exhausted body. Thanks for asking (& sharing!)

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First off, so sorry COVID has struck your family! I know so many people who've been struck but RSV or COVID, or Norovirus: a tough season indeed.

Second, I love The Princess Bride. This scene is a perfect metaphor for thinking through these impossible circumstances and the reminder that unseen support may be closer than you think. I've got a story that wants my time. Barriers include: launching my nonprofit which requires more hours in any day than I have; the trauma at the base of the story (or poem) requires some willingness to open it up and the known downside is the recovery time after. The calls and emails from tour guests (my bread and butter). etc.

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