I feel this all deeply. I too have begun taking fallow periods instead of pushing through, which is not easy as a recovering perfectionist, and both I and my writing are better for it. I wish you a very restful day!

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I am deep in my own wintering right now, and I am keenly aware that it is exactly where I need to be, and that I am privileged to be able to rest. I trust that my body and mind will tell me when they are ready to transition into spring and summer. And yes, it is hard… my coaching business that I’m taking a break from right now is all about recovering from perfectionism! I realized I needed to put the oxygen mask on and breathe deeply for a while before I can continue that work.

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Sounds like a beautiful way to attune to your own seasons. I imagine that recovering from perfection is in some way about doing just that -- releasing attachment to linear, consistent and controlled and welcoming in cyclical, rhythmic and balanced. What do you think? Your work on this sounds fascinating and important.

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I definitely feel this as well with my writing. Not a peak I’m seeking so much as a spring, where what wants to be written bubbles up from some underground Source. It’s hard to get still enough to be with that. Here with you in that place.

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What a great idea to do a roundup post! I look forward to diving in to a couple of your pieces I’ve missed. And you nailed it here: “[the] best gift you can give others really is your own regulated nervous system.” That is the hardest and most important work of our lives.

I love that Substack is such a warm and supportive community. I feel much safer sharing my truth here than I would on social media. You were kind enough to give me one of my first comments on my Substack, and it is so validating to know there are others out there who make meaning from our words. I’m very grateful for this community and the people like you I am meeting here!

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Thank you Liz! Agreeing with your every word. Glad we are able to posse up for this walk through these particular woods.

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