How am I doing today? I'm avoiding the internet, and trying to live more in the world. I took a long walk this morning, and plan to cook after work. I'm making soup, chilli and maybe a hummus/other condiment, because nourishing food is what I need most right now.

I'm sorry I won't be able to join the zoom tonight. It'll be 12.30am here in Dublin, and I know I need my sleep. But I'm so glad you'll be gathering together and I hope you find some sustenance in that shared, community space.

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So glad you’re taking good care in this moment, Clare. I’m hoping in future weeks to find a wider range of times to accommodate our international sangha! ❤️

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Thank you for all of these pieces of wisdom, and thank you for holding space on Zoom. I'm going to try to be there but it may depend on kids' bedtimes. I think this gathering is so beautiful and important and feels right for the moment.

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Kid bedtimes are a puzzle we’re hoping to work on in the coming weeks—it’s a shared struggle! More soon. Sending asynchronous hugs in the meantime. ❤️

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Today I am sad. But holding a hope for civility and civilization, with the knowledge that I am not alone. We have the resources (and responsibility to ourselves and each other) to show up with love where and when we can. I am dedicated. And sad. And tending the flame of love.

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So beautifully put.

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