May 24Liked by Ryan Rose Weaver

Hits close to home on many levels. Thank you BOTH for the important work you do and conversations you continue to have.

On a related note, I read the book The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer a few months ago. There’s a quote at the end that I found so beautiful and have revisited it many times since, as a way to describe the relief I felt and beauty I’ve found since deciding not to pursue having a living child anymore. Feels relevant here…

“We tell people to follow their dreams. We tell them they won’t be complete until they do, that they’ll be miserable until they start reaching for that brass ring. they never tell you how good it feels to give up on a dream. That it’s a… a relief. I decided one day that kids weren’t ever going to happen for me, that I was going to be single and childless and that was that. And I woke the next morning, and the sun was dancing on the water, and the coffee tasted better than it ever had. It tasted like one less thing to worry about. One less promised to keep. One less fight to win. One less heart to break. And it was sweet. Almost as sweet as victory. The sweetness of giving up.“

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This is so, so good. So honored and happy to have your story and Hayley’s here in conversation.

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