Oh my, we are living the same week! This really crystallizes it for me. Thank you for writing this. ❤️

“I try to heed my therapist instead, who tells me we heal from trauma through the gradual rebuilding of a trusting relationship with the world, and with each other. For me, this means reminding myself—in particular my tetchy body—that good things can emerge from the void along with the bad. 

My body retains the breaking and the burnout, but my heart remembers the boss who cared, and the baby who slept. My body retains the fear I witnessed on the faces of my friends, but my heart remembers the group texts those same teachers started in crisis, so that we could check on each other’s kids and coordinate soup drops. My pandemic story is not complete without both truths. Writing it out now is the way that I lash these opposing narratives together, into a sturdier and more balanced raft, one I can ride out into a still-stormy sea.”

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